About now is where a professional has links to all the sites he has made for other people and the customer says how their website has changed their life.
Naturally you will want to see what I can do before you pay me to do something for you, I can go one better and show you what I can do for you personally. I work by making your site, hosting it under a temporary domain so that you can see it, ask for changes or whatever. Once you are happy I will obtain the domain name you require (assuming it is available), put your site on it, set up ftp access, mail addresses, instructions for use and then and only then ask for some money.
To use an acronym, with me WYSIWYG, literaly, What You See Is What You Get and if you don't like it I will change it until you do, or (and it has not happened yet) you can say you made a mistake choosing me and walk away with nothing to pay.
I have adverts on the left of the page, all of the sites have a little bit of me in them. On the right hand side I have my google adsense pay per click adverts.